Inquiry about social workers humiliating a family in Christmastime in Dresden

A civil society organization calls on the Mayor of Dresden,1 to clarify his work in the case of humiliating a family in Christmastime. He was presented with the case on 22 December 2021.

Behind the criminal influence and blackmail perpetrated by the social workers against the child and mother, the case also includes a possibility that the social workers of the Mayor are helping the lawyers to steal the taxpayers' money in the family proceedings. Additionally, the organization indicates that the concerned proceedings should never be instituted.2

The social workers humiliate a family behind the Mayor of Dresden Dirk Hilbert.

  1. Mayor Dirk Hilbert.

  2. The civil society organization Stowarzyszenie Wolne Społeczeństwo (SWS, Free Society Association) established that the case had been legally closed through a binding court decision in 2014 (6 years ago).

The aim of the Civil Freedom Alliance (CFA) is to gather and to provide essential knowledge for protection of civil rights and freedoms. The CFA was created on the initiative of the Stowarzyszenie Wolne Spoleczenstwo (SWS, Free Society Association), Polish civil society organisation, and the Identity Heritage Supporting Board (IHSB), Polish-American civil society organisation. The IHSB is serving currently as the representative of the CFA. 🖂 Identity Heritage Supporting Board CFA, 4000 W Montrose Ave 576, Chicago, IL 60641 (USA);