Demand for democratic rule of law in the EU
The Fundacja Wolne Społeczeństwo (FWS, Free Society Foundation) demands from the European Council (Council) and…
Read MoreThe Fundacja Wolne Społeczeństwo (FWS, Free Society Foundation) demands from the European Council (Council) and…
Read MoreThe aim of the Civil Freedom Alliance (CFA) is to gather and to provide essential knowledge for protection of civil rights and freedoms. The CFA was created on the initiative of the Stowarzyszenie Wolne Spoleczenstwo (SWS, Free Society Association), Polish civil society organisation, and the Identity Heritage Supporting Board (IHSB), Polish-American civil society organisation. The IHSB is serving currently as the representative of the CFA. 🖂 Identity Heritage Supporting Board CFA, 4000 W Montrose Ave 576, Chicago, IL 60641 (USA); board@wiki.identityheritage.org.